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Chinese Massage for Immune Support & Wellness

*Shared from Robin Ray Green- Pediatric Acupuncturist & Author- visit her Youtube channel for more great information*


In this video, parents will learn to use a simple, 1-2 minute massage routine to support the health and wellbeing of your children.

This ancient Chinese Massage (Tuina Massage) for immune support and wellness has been used on children for thousands of years. Based on tried and true principles of traditional Chinese medicine, this fast and safe technique may help boost immunity, support the digestive system, and contribute to the overall wellness of your child.

Though most effective for children 5 years of age and under, this technique can be helpful for kids up to the age of 12. It is relaxing and enjoyable for most kids, and should be easy to incorporate into a nighttime routine.

For more information about using Chinese Medicine at home, visit my website:

To download a FREE PDF copy of my acupressure guide for parents, visit

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