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The Next Chapter - Fertility Story Part 2

Well, where did our story takes us next?

Hello Motherhood! I honestly I had no idea what to expect. "Mom" was a role I didn't know if I would have... I welcomed my new role with open arms, just as I did my little girl- my rainbow, the little embryo that could!

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... The lack of sleep was hard, breast-feeding was up & down and returning to work at 5 weeks tested me but I was grateful for it all. Just as I was grateful for all the shots that got me pregnant and the nausea & vomiting throughout my pregnancy that meant I was finally going to be someones mom after 5 long years, it was all worth it!

They say that kids grow up too fast and I tend to agree! It felt like in the blink of an eye months had gone by. My daughter was 9 months old & I was suddenly reminded that our infertility story wasn't over... it was time to move on to the next chapter. We wanted to give Evie a sibling and that meant getting my head back into the fertility game.

I made the decision to stop breast-feeding, a bitter-sweet but necessary step. I needed my hormones to adjust and my cycle to return so we could do our 2nd Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). Things were all looking good, my cycle was back in a month, we got into the clinic for all the preliminary checks, signed the paperwork and were ready for transfer day!

Our first FET worked great, so I figured that with 2 frozen embryos remaining we would be bringing another baby into the world in about 10 months time. Unfortunately I was quite mistaken. We did 2 FET's over 3 months with nothing to show for it except my sore bottom, thanks to a bunch of progesterone needles... the phone call about our second negative pregnancy test was hard to take. Our plans were out the window and we were back to where we started... no embryos and just a 3% chance of conceiving naturally.

We had what many call the "WTF meeting" with our Dr after our second failed transfer. The meeting gave us no real answers and left us with the option to take 6 months off to try our luck naturally or to do medicated timed cycles again. We opted for a break from the clinic and decided that we would go one more round of IVF in the spring and that's where we are at.

IVF #2 April 2019- stay tuned!

Missed the start of my story?

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