Acupuncture Support for Fertility
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) operate on the premise that health issues arise from disruptions in the body's natural energy flow, known as Qi. Methods employed in fertility treatments encompass moxibustion, cupping, and acupuncture.
Female-related issues, like anovulation and endometriosis, account for 40% of infertility cases, while male-related problems, such as low sperm count or motility, contribute to another 40%. The remaining 20% is attributed to unknown factors. Acupuncture treatment can be beneficial in addressing various causes of these challenges.
Acupuncture treatments for women can enhance blood circulation to the uterus, ovaries, and endometrium. This can promote optimal ovarian function, boost uterine lining thickness, and support menstruation and ovulation, crucial for successful conception!
It is believed that acupuncture can enhance quality of life and reduce stress levels in the course of clinical fertility treatments, potentially leading to a smoother journey towards achieving pregnancy.
Once pregnant, acupuncture combined with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle may assist in stress reduction, to minimize nausea, and to alleviate lower back pain or pressure that is common in the later stages of pregnancy. (learn more here)
When should I come for Fertility Treatments?
If you are having symptoms related to your menstrual cycle, such as irregularity (too short or too long) or absence of periods, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments can assist in restoring balance. Starting treatments before attempting to conceive can improve your well-being and alleviate some of the pressure when you decide to start a family.
It is recommended to start treatment at least 12 weeks before trying to conceive in order to allow for significant changes to occur in the menstrual cycle. However, if this timeline doesn't work for you or if you have already begun fertility treatments, don't worry – any acupuncture treatment is beneficial!
Acupuncture and IVF
Before undergoing an IVF cycle, acupuncture can help regulate hormones, enhance the menstrual cycle, and stimulate ovulation, all while reducing stress through its impact on the central nervous system.
Acupuncture treatments can be scheduled during various stages of IVF, such as suppression, stimulation, retrieval, post-retrieval, and transfer, tailored to your specific protocol. These treatments are designed to address the specific needs of each stage, potentially alleviating medication side effects (such as abdominal tenderness, bloating, fluid retention, weight gain, nausea, and hot flashes) and assisting in managing the stress linked to the entire process.
Stress reduction is one of the main ways acupuncture increases fertility.
There is a delicate balance that has to happen between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and reproductive glands to maintain optimal health and fertility. When people are under stress, the hormone cortisol is released in the brain which alters the brain's neurochemical balance, thus changing hormone levels and disrupting the pituitary balance that is key to the reproductive cycle. Stress is capable of preventing a woman from ovulating entirely and can contribute to the cause of female infertility. Stress can also create spasms in both the fallopian tubes and the uterus, which can interfere with movement and implantation of a fertilized egg. In men, stress can alter sperm counts, motility, and cause impotence.
Fertility treatments are always going to be a stressful and emotional time for women and couples so using acupuncture to help alleviate stress and allow your body to function at its best possible health is going to be a huge benefit.
Acupuncture and male fertility
Achieving optimal health is important for BOTH partners (not just females- remember 40% of infertility is due to male factors). Acupuncture may be an appropriate way for males pre-conception to improve aspects of general health including energy levels, stress and cardiovascular health. In specific relation to fertility, practitioners suggest acupuncture may assist in increasing sperm count, quality and motility.
Weekly treatments for 5-10 weeks have been shown to improve sperm quality. It nothing else, coming in for treatment at your partner’s ovulation can help boost sperm speed/motility and provide essential qi (energy) for reproductive health.
Acupuncture’s Side Effects
Acupuncture treatment produces few or no side effects. It can naturally stimulate the hypothalamus to effectively balance the endocrine system and its hormones and to get to the root cause of female infertility as well as male infertility.
“The goal of an infertility treatment from a TCM perspective is not just to get pregnant,
but to stay pregnant and to have a healthy baby,”