Why Acupuncture? How can it help you?
Well first off, acupuncture is awesome!
It is a holistic approach to health that looks at the WHOLE person not just individual symptoms, like the Western medicine approach. We are living beings and are in constant flux... our lifestyle, diet and daily actions have an impact on our health. It is therefore important to see the whole picture in order to get to the root cause of what's going on!
Acupuncture, and the other TCM modalities are also really relaxing (yes, even though you have needles in!) so why not come relax and unwind in comfort while receiving a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment that is best suited to YOUR needs.
I offer treatments, for both men and women, addressing a wide variety of general health concerns. Some common ailments seen in clinic include; headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, pain, sciatica, allergies, colds/flus as well as menstrual irregularities and fertility support (including IVF/IUI).
Additionally, I offer Pregnancy support from the day you find out to the day you deliver! Acupuncture can be used throughout pregnancy for general pregnancy symptoms (nausea, pain, heartburn...) as well as to address breech/posterior presentation (ideally 34-35 weeks) and/or for pre-labour acupuncture from 37 weeks, to help prepare the body for labour.
Cupping therapy is available as part of a treatment and something that I use quite frequently. This modality is a great adjunct to acupuncture and can help to alleviate pain & discomfort as well as ease cough and cold symptoms.
Still not sold on the needles?
I do have an alternative for you; a gentle Tui Na (bodywork) treatment- Microsystem Massage, for the Head/Scalp/Neck. This treatment includes an acupressure massage of your face, scalp, neck & shoulders. You will fall into a state of absolute relaxation while activating the natural healing processes of your entire body. Special attention can be paid to areas of personal concern to you (such as headaches, sinus issues, insomnia...) or just let your body do what it needs to do. This massage is a giant step towards personal rejuvenation and self care. Destress, sleep better and relieve pain.
Hope to see you soon! If you have questions about TCM or acupuncture drop me a line.